CarKeys.co.uk FAQs

Why CarKeys.co.uk?
Researching and buying a new car should be an enjoyable experience. Deciding between cars and researching online can be a time consuming experience. We have worked to bring together technical comparison and pricing data, reviews and videos in one website to save you time and effort. In addition to the data we have within our website, we can also assist you further in arranging test drives, getting car brochures or putting you in contact with a local franchised dealer who can offer you a fantastic deal.
What service can Car Keys provide me?
Our easy to use service helps you find your next new car and understand the current market. All you have to do is choose the car you like, and we'll show you a target price range based on the feedback we’ve had from other consumers and our own market analysis. We can also provide other in-depth information on the car you're considering buying. With our service you can get insight into vehicle specifications, running costs, depreciation and more. We recommend a target price range for your new car and, in many cases, can help you achieve that price through working with a network of franchised dealers. Not ready to buy yet then why not let us arrange for a brochure to be delivered to your door or organise a test drive with a local dealer.
Do I have to sign up to use your service?
No, there is no need to sign up to take advantage of our service. You'll only need to fill in some relevant details when looking for a target price or arranging a test drive. This will include contact information so we can get back to you to help progress and fulfil your enquiry.
What do the prices shown include?
The prices you see on Car Keys are based on the factory order make, model and derivative of the car you select. What you see is the manufacturer's recommended on-the-road price for a new, unregistered vehicle. Taken into account are costs such as VAT, 12 months Vehicle Excise Duty (also known as Road Tax), the registration fee and full UK manufacturer warranty. We also show a target price range for many vehicles. This is derived from consumer feedback and our market analysis and provides you with a guide to the current market value for your chosen vehicle. Please note that we don’t sell cars and the target prices given are estimates only based upon our research.
Are any hidden costs included?
Not at all. There's no cost for using the Car Keys service whether you ultimately buy a car or not. We charge the manufacturers and dealers a fee for introducing you.
Is Car Keys a broker?
No it isn't, we do not sell or lease cars ourselves. We act to help you find the car that best meets your requirements and are then able to put you in touch with a franchised dealer or car leasing company that can provide you with quotes. We are not agents of the manufacturers or the dealers. Neither are we credit brokers or credit intermediaries.
Is the manufacturer standard warranty included?
Yes it will be included. Since you will be buying from an official UK dealership, your new car will come with the complete UK manufacturer warranty.
Where can I take my car for service?
You'll be able to get your new car serviced at any main UK dealer. This means you can pop in to your local dealer for servicing and other warranty-related work even if you don’t purchase the car from them.
How can I get prices on a different car?
Our service allows you to compare up to three different new cars at a time. You can choose to compare the same model but in different specifications. Alternatively, you can view a few completely different models from separate manufacturers at once. There is no limit to the number of enquiries you can send to us so you can enquire on multiple vehicles or alternatively submit a single enquiry and then discuss your other requirements with our friendly customer service representatives when the call you to confirm your request.
Why are some prices shown better than others?
The market rates for vehicles fluctuate based on consumer demand and availability. The amount of discount you can expect to achieve will also be affected by model age. For instance, if a new model launch is approaching you may find additional discount available whereas following the new launch there will unlikely be discounts on the new model.
How do I determine which cars are available for quick delivery?
Pricing for cars on our website is all with reference to factory order vehicles. These are built to your specification including colour, seat trim and optional extras however as a result will take some time to be delivered. The actual lead time varies between makes and models but is typically up to 12 weeks. At any time dealers and leasing companies will have new vehicles in stock that are available far more quickly however you obviously get less choice regarding colours and options. Often there are great deals to be had. If you would like us to help you find a suitable stock vehicle then please call us on 0808 169 8141.
Do you cover all manufacturers?
We work with a large number of franchised dealerships, covering over 45 car manufacturer brands present in the UK market. There are always exceptions to the rule however. While some of the more niche categories present are not catered for, we do cover every popular car brand selling new cars in Britain.
What can I do with my old car?
When it comes to selling a car, there are several methods available to you: You can choose to trade it in at a main dealer. This can be arranged whether or not you also plan to buy a new car from that particular main dealer of choosing. Alternatively, you can sell your old car to a local used car garage which can be quick and easy, or you can contact an online used car purchaser. For getting the most money out of your old car, however, advertising it online and selling privately may be the best way however requires far more effort on your part!
Will dealers accept part-exchange?
The majority of dealers we work with will accept part-exchange. Simply get in touch with them to confirm what they can do for you.
How can I contact Car Keys?
You can call our live customer care centre at 0808 169 8141 or submit an enquiry through our contact page. We'd love to hear from you.
Who are Car Keys?
We're a company based in Liverpool. Car Keys is a trading name of Auto Network (GB) limited. Auto Network (GB) Limited is part of The Lead Agency Group which is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 10152318

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